OK, so my friend Mindy started this on her blog. Since it is the season of thanks, she challenged everyone to list things we are grateful for. I am grateful for my boyfriend George Strait. He just makes me happy!! When my friends daughter was little, I had her convinced that George was my boyfriend. Everytime she saw Roddy, she told him about my boyfriend George. I think she was really worried for Rod. It was funny. I love George. Hey a girl can dream!

Check out how cute my girls are! This photo is a few years old, but I love it. It was taken on the boat coming back from the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. You can see some of NYC in the background. I am sooooo grateful for my girls, they are my whole world.

I have a great family. We have so much fun together. I am grateful for my family. I am grateful for Roddy, he works hard for us. He is a good man. I am full of love for him!
I am VERY grateful for Pepsi cola and snickers candy bars. YUMMY!!! I have them for breakfast most days. Rod calls it the breakfast of champions!
Thanks Mindy! Now I am challenging all my friends, (who I am grateful for) tell us what you are grateful for!